Monday, March 18, 2013

Not enough hours in a day, days in a week

I used to be all kinds of organized and on top of everything. My day planner went with me everywhere (and my ENT would make fun of me and tell me to lighten up when he saw it) and it was actually filled out.

I think things started going downhill when I got sick. When I had more doctors to visit than just he ENT. I didn't have much on the calendar back then, considering I was usually hanging out at home, in bed, on the sofa, or by the toilet.I got sick of feeling sick everyday, so I did my best to just chug through it. If I was going to feel like crap everyday, I might as well feel like crap while doing something productive. So, I ended up with three jobs. And, someway, I was still fairly organized.

Then I had surgery, decided to move to Auburn, lived in both Auburn and Birmingham for three and a half years and here I am, absolutely out of control. (Or so it feels.)

My day planner still goes with me most places, but remembering to put things in it or consult it ... yeah, right.

The sad thing about this is it's just me and the animals I have to wrangle these days. No kids, no multiple jobs, just me. And for some reason, I can't get it together. I know putting a stamped envelope in the mail is pretty simple and will take less than a minute, but remembering to is a whole different story.

I'm a hot mess, but I'm working on it.

I would like to blame it on being overwhelmed. Social networking, the internet, Brickbreaker on the BlackBerry, television to catch up on - they're all much more exciting than sitting down and filing. But I have to get back into a regular schedule and get all kinds of OCD again.

I'm sorry world, but loopy, crazy, right brained Paige is having to go back to her old ways. I'm just not getting anything done.

Anyone else have this problem? I mean, it sounds simple, right? Go to bed by 10, wake up at 6, shower, get ready, feed the pup, take her to daycare, run errands, put away the goods, tidy the messes, work, pick up the dog, feed the dog, relax, repeat. Right? But for some reason, it just doesn't get done. My dishwasher has been backed up for a couple of weeks, I called a plumber, neither of us called the other back, and I still haven't gotten my dishwasher fixed. What is freaking wrong with me?