Thursday, September 23, 2010

Appetizers and dessert

As I mentioned in a previous post, I felt my (dinner) plate was full with work, Junior League, and my health.

That leave a little room for appetizers and desserts, but what are those, you wonder?

Television and dating.
I'm thinking dating will be appetizers and television dessert, because television tends to not disappoint so much.

I never really dated all that much before The ex-Boyfriend. I had a date here and there, maybe two. Lots of friend dates.

I didn't care too much for it then. All that work for nothing.

The ex-Boyfriend and I met, talked all night, and the next thing I knew he was my boyfriend, and just as I had a chance to adjust to Not. Being. Single. (Trust me, that was a serious identity crisis.) We were in LOVE. It was very sweet. We might have been together a month. I was babysitting, and I went to his place when I got done. When I got there, I found his best friend passed out on the sofa, him watching TV and drinking. He seemed very excited to see me. I was very excited to see him. It was Friday. I was off work. I wanted to go out and DRINK. But he had to tell me something, as his friend was waking from his beer-induced slumber.

I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.

It was beautiful. Not what my daydreams thought it would be. But for me and him, it was absolutely perfect.

And you want to know the truth? I was in love with him about two weeks into the relationship. It just seemed a little crazy to say anything.

AND I think the reason we fell in love so quickly and worked so well is we skipped the bullshit that is dating. (Of course, that does make it difficult to break up when one of you wants to get married and get lots of babies, and the other one is all, "been there, done that." Yeah. Well, I guess it was almost perfect.)

Think of a man (no boys, please!) who would be a good companion for me, and I for him. He has to be smart, classy, have lots of interests, be open-minded, want lots of children - and I mean LOTS, and tall. I love 'em tall. He has to have his own life separate from me, but he also has to want me to be a part of his life. It's kind of hard to explain. I guess what I mean is I don't want to spend every single non-working minute with him. Once or twice a week, he has to go out with his guy friends and watch sports. Or whatever guys do. Once or twice a week, I will go out with the girls, or just have some "me" time. This is SO essential. Also essential is we have a few things in common. Or at least be genuinely interested in each other's things. And he has to follow the "dishwasher rules," and not leave a few drops of vodka in the bottle, and not squirrel his laundry away somewhere, not squirrel anything away or leave piles of empty pockets and mail all over the place, and, in general, just help with the housework without being asked. And, of course, he has to want to get married and get children. I'm still not sold on pregnancy, and still very much in favor of adoption. (Please note, I believe in compromise on this issue. I'll attempt pregnancy, if we get to adopt as well. Also note, I am totally down with him having children already, but I really want to get to keep a baby I raise, and raise a baby I get to keep. I love babies and what I love even more is seeing them grown up.)

I know it sounds picky, but this really screens out those that shouldn't even know me in the first place.

We would meet, we would talk, and we would fall in love. We would be boyfriend and girlfriend. We would get married. We would become parents. We would live happily ever after.

Yes, I said we would fall in love before becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm on the marriage and family track and there is no time to be messing around. I'm not rushing it, I'm just sayin'...

Help me. Please. Please. Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please please.