Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stop me before I volunteer again

Have y'all ever seen that quote somewhere? Sometimes it can be found on a magnet or a cocktail napkin.

The first time I saw it, I was babysitting. It was on a refrigerator magnet.

That was before I became a career volunteer.

Yes. I said it. I am a career volunteer. I'm just good at it, y'all.

I love to help. I love to be useful. I love to do something different every single time I do something. (Well, most of the time. Some things are best to stay the same.)

But this year, I'm not going to be getting any Volunteer of the Year awards. And if I do, it's purely by accident (which has happened before). I'm going to fulfill my commitments, don't worry. I'm just going to strive for steadily increasing my responsibilities over time.

See, I'm new to Lee County. I like how things are around here, but I want to make sure I understand how it all really works before I start trying to save the world down here.

Also, I'm used to doing sexual and reproductive health education. I did Junior League to expand my volunteer career because anything related to sex (the act and the biology), well, that's pretty controversial. I wanted to do something I could tell everyone about. I'm starting to struggle a little bit with this decision. I really miss getting in front of an audience and telling them how to protect themselves and be aware of themselves. Ohmigosh. I. Miss. It.

And it's hard, y'all.

I was flipping through my Junior League manual last night, and all those offices and committees were calling to me. I was starting to daydream about how Junior League could get involved with women's health issues.

Girl Sunday. Think of how many people you will be able to help. Think of how much you will get to do. Pick me. Come one, Girl Sunday, pick me.

No. Not this year.

When I decided to join Junior League this year, I originally thought I wouldn't be very involved at all, because of massage school. Then, since my thyroid is "misbehaving" I figured I shouldn't try to be so involved. And I'm starting a new business. Three things on my plate are enough. And that's not including appetizers and dessert, and that's a whole 'nother post. :)